Product Code: 200-01009
Availability: In Stock
Ex Tax: 3.00€
  • Greek Lavender Water - 100% Pure
  • sprayer bottled
  • 200ml
  • All natural. No preservatives.
100% Physical Composition. Greek product, region of West Macedonia. High quality.
Ingredients: Steam-stilled byproduct of lavender angustifolia, essential oil.
Lavender water is the clean water which is produced by the distillation of lavender essential oil. Lavender water is appropriate for sensitive, dry skin. Its cleansing and antimicrobial properties make it necessary against acne and skin problems.

Lavender is able to penetrate skin deeply and by releasing all of its antiseptic properties, acts against skin imperfections. It is ideal for baby care, as not only protects sensitive infant skin but also protects from baby rash.


  • antiseptic
  • purifying
  • refreshing
  • sedative
  • healing
  • insect repellent


In Cosmetics:

  • As face mask. Spray your face with lavender water, and keep it all night long.
  • For baby and infant care.
  • Against louses. Spray your hair, once a day.
  • Imply straight to skin to relieve from nip, wounds even burn.
Domestic use:

  • In humidifiers against smoke and all kind of smells
  • In hovers that uses water filters
  • In steam iron (use a proportion about 10% in distilled water)
  • Against moth. Just spray your wardrobe with lavender water.
In Medicine:

  • Against high blood pressure.
  • Against stomach aches and gastric acidity.
  • Against stench & ulcer mouth. Mix 50% water with 50% lavender water and wash your mouth after meal.
In Cookery: Add a desirable amount of lavender water to flavor

  • Fruit salads
  • Poultry
  • Desserts
  • Jams
For pets:

  • Against mites


Essential oils and its derivatives could not be used without doctor’s advice, in case of:

  • Pregnancy
  • Serious neurological disorders
  • Ingestion. Just a few essential oils can be swallowed and they must be consumed mixed with a beverage or drink.

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